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Friday, 5 August 2011

I found Netvani

In today’s always-on, hyper-connected world in and beyond web 2.0 where “social” is everything and your follower or friend count is a measure of your worthiness to others, it can be a daunting task to build a network around your business to make the most out of your contacts.  The social arena of Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and many more networks are totally alien to some and it can be scary and challenging to attempt to start up a brand and gain meaningful relationships with potential customers for your business.  This is where Netvani come in, their service promises to bring that world within grasp of even the most novice of social media users.  With various plans available to suit all needs, their software can show you where to concentrate the efforts of your team to make the most out of your social contacts.  Their advanced tools and strategies can make managing your social contacts a piece of cake, easily updating status pages and posts from a single comprehensive   interface. 

The most important aspect is that Netvani is secure, a team can easily work on the same profile without compromising the security of the account.  There are also various pricing plans available to suit all budgets and I will certainly be giving them a go as they appear to suit the needs of my own small business.

You can find Netvani here  

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